Sync Vscode Extensions

It’s been a long time since my personal computer was reinstalled I just remember that it was 3 years ago when I was having problems with my LUKS configuration, sadly I was unable to solved it so I just reinstall all my operative system entirely. Now recently I just finish a clean Debian install, I was refreshing my Gnu/Linux Laptop and all the tools. the thing here is that I was looking to have the same visual studio code settings in my new install. Fortunately there is a way to be able to sync my VS Code user settings, extensions and more to the cloud using github so I can easily share them between multiple installations in a near future. It is a vscode extension called Settings Sync, some key features acording to the site are :

  • Use your GitHub account token and Gist.

  • Easy to Upload and Download on one click.

  • Show a summary page at the end with details about config and extensions effected.

  • Auto download Latest Settings on Startup.

  • Auto upload Settings on file change.

  • Share the Gist with other users and let them download your settings.

  • Supports GitHub Enterprise

  • Support pragmas with @sync keywords: host, os and env are supported. You’re going to be able to sync all the extensions and complete User Folder that Contains :

  • Settings File

  • Keybinding File

  • Launch File

  • Snippets Folder

  • VSCode Extensions & Extensions Configurations

  • Workspaces Folder

If you get stuck in setting it up you can check the video from youtube I’d like to say Thanks to Baljeet Singh for showing the extension in detail.

Official explanation of Settings Sync could be found here.